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2024 DC Nominations
for the Surrey Development Centre

This page is for club and school officials only.

If you are the Junior Prime Contact for a club or school and are looking for information on how to register with Surrey PP in order to nominate players for the DC, please visit our JPC page here.

DC Nomination Criteria

In past cycles the Surrey PP coaching team have found an increasing number of players being nominated who are lacking knowledge and consistency of execution in the core skills required to progress within the Surrey Player Pathway. 

Players being considered for Development Centre nomination by their clubs and schools need to have an adequate understanding and consistent execution of core skills as this is something they will not be taught within the centres.

At the Development Centres, the coaching teams are looking to take the players into an environment where we can help them develop the core skills they have already learned at their clubs and schools, and start to stretch them by putting a far greater focus on the players' decision making and adaptability in the constant high intensity of a match environment. 

Ultimately, we are looking for players with the following attributes;   


  • Highly skilled
  • Effective decision makers
  • Effective under pressure
  • Creative
  • Self-Organised and Adaptable
  • Right attitude, Right time
  • Fast and execute skill under the high intensity of a match


The coaching team will highlight and nurture these qualities in every session whilst ensuring the players have fun whilst doing it, giving them the best possible start possible within the Surrey Player Pathway. 

Age groups for the 2024 DC:

Age groups for all Surrey Player Pathway activity is run along academic years, not year of birth as in the recent past. This is in line with school and club hockey, and means that for the 2023/24 DC & AC, players qualify as follows:

U13 - born on or between 01 Sep 2011 - 31 August 2013 (Year 7* & 8)

U14 - born on or between 01 Sep 2010 - 31 August 2011 (Year9)

U15 - born on or between 01 Sep 2009 - 31 August 2010 (Year 10)

U16 - born on or between 01 Sep 2008 - 31 August 2009 (Year 11)

U17 - born on or between 01 Sep 2007 - 31 August 2008 (Year 12)

We will taking 1 year young players for U13 (Year 7) but may contact the club/school to have a discussion. Unfortunately, there have been too many instances in the past where players a year too young were put forward for DC, but were not ready for it. This isn't good for the player or the centre, so please only nominate year-young players as an exception.

Other nomination criteria

  • Players must live or go to school in Surrey or be members at a Surrey affiliated club.
  • Players can NOT be nominated to (or participate in the DC of) more than 1 county.
  • Players in the TA can't be nominated for the DC

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