Add Surrey and the Surrey Player Registration System "from" addresses to your Safe Senders list.
Some Internet Service Providers provide spam filters to ensure that you only get emails you want to receive. Some of these spam filters may classify genuine Surrey emails as spam and you risk not seeing them. You can minimise this by following the suggestions below and using the 'Alternative Email' field on your parent profile to add a second email address.
If you have a son or daughter in the Surrey DC or AC, you will get emails from:
We also keep a copy of every email sent through the Surrey Pathway Management System on your profile. See below how to access these emails.
All emails are sent using the Surrey Pathway Management System. Copies of all emails are stored on your (the parents') personal profile. Read below how to access those emails.
1. Log in at
2. If an email was sent to you in the last few weeks, you will see a message on your personal area like this:
3. Click on ‘View all my recent emails’ to see all emails sent to you via the system.
4. If you do not see the ‘recent emails’ message, access the email history
as follows:
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