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The Surrey Hockey Player Pathway

Welcome to the Surrey Hockey Player Pathway.

Surrey Hockey runs the Surrey Player Pathway for young players from 12-17 (Y7 - Y12), field players as well as goalkeepers.

There is only 1 entry point into the Surrey Player Pathway and that is at the Development Centre (DC). Players need to be nominated by their club or school to be eligible to participate. The DC is run during the summer as a series of camps.

After the DC cycle, Surrey coaches can nominate players to attend the Academy Centre (AC) assessments for selection to the Surrey AC (County) Squad. After a series of training sessions, selected players will represent Surrey in a County Championship against squads from Hampshire, Sussex, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, London and Kent.

The Surrey Player Pathway Committee

The Surrey Player Pathway is organised by The Surrey Player Pathway Committee.

For more information on committee members and responsibilities, and activities of the committee, please visit our 'About Us' page

About Us


Surrey is bound by England Hockey’s Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey Policy.


Junior Prime Contacts

Each club and school has a nominated JPC on our Online Player Pathway Management System. Find out more about registering as a JPC and nominating players for the Surrey Development Centres

JPC and DC Nominations

Latest News

By Laura Craston December 12, 2023
England Hockey have produced a document, the purpose of which is to put the player at the centre when considering the development of an individual. Download it here.
By Laura Craston December 12, 2023
England Hockey have produced a document, the purpose of which is to put the player at the centre when considering the development of an individual. Download it here.
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